Secretary General's Message

Dr. Jim Winston Chu

Throughout my life as an immigrant I have realized social service and dedication to the betterment of the next generation is priceless and timeless. I feel the ultimate goal of immigrants is to work to be able to provide their children with the tools they need to meet the future needs of our ever-changing world.

Globalization and internationalization is a trend that will not abate in the near future. Having a multi-language capability as well as a multi-cultural awareness can help this, to develop skills necessary to be a productive participant in the global community.  Only in this way can we foster a generation of macro-vision thinkers that will be our future international community and business leaders.

The culture of the business world is not just the surface level logistics, the marketing, or the operational performance throughout an organization.  The true culture of this world is driven by innovations and ideas, of entrepreneurship and personal drive. For example we can take a single apple and count how many seeds is has, but we don’t know how many apples will grow from these seeds in the future. So, the secret of a successful enterprise in its core is to continually innovate and work hard to accomplish goals one seed at a time. One cannot just look at the surface level operations while ignoring the overall process and long term goals.

I would like to thank the Presiding Chairperson, the Honorable Norman Y. Mineta, and the Honorary Chairperson, the Honorable Judy M. Chu, Ph.D, for their extraordinary contributions to our shared cause – of planting the seeds, one at a time, for the future of America and ultimately our entire world.


Thank you,
Dr. Jim Lin-Chi Chu
The Strategic Alliance of Asian-American Non-Profit Organizations (SAAANPO)






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